Sticky University AKA Sticky U is taking off Full Steam

Our Second Sticky U Project was created by The Cutting Cafe’s Regina Easter!
Regina is about as perfect as people come 🙂
Whenever we asked her if she wanted to join Sticky U,
she said “I would love to be a STICKY GIRL!”
Not only did she create 1 project for Sticky U, she created 2!
Check out these Fun Party Hats she created using our Xtreme!
We know you want to know just how she created these!
Click here to see her post blog!
We also recommend that you check out her store, The Cutting Café for some ADORABLE cutting files and Printable Stamps!
You can also check out The Cutting Café on Facebook for cute project ideas!
Keep up with Tombow’s Sticky University crafts by searching #StickyU on our Social Media
thank you so much, you guys are the best…hugs