Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes

Hello friends, it’s Smitha! Today, I have a quote lettering tutorial that you can recreate in under five minutes! However, quick doesn’t mean it looks boring. We’ll add interest and contrast to our quote in a few easy steps!

Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes - Smitha Katti


I’ll be lettering a book inspired quote today! Choose any quote that is short and sweet for this method.

Step 1:

Start with a light pencil sketch. I know, this is a quick quote and you might be tempted to just brush letter it directly. However, experience has taught me that a pencil sketch saves SO much time. It helps you center your letter design, ensures you won’t have spelling mistakes and takes just a few seconds!

Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes - Smitha Katti

Step 2:

Now it’s time to letter! I’m using Dual Brush Pen here N35. There is something so simple and beautiful about soft black on white paper. It always makes me happy.

Choose one word in your quote that you want to emphasize. Then, start with that word (doesn’t matter if it is the last word in the quote) and ink it to make it stand out. I used a bold capital letter for it.

Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes - Smitha Katti

Step 3:

Now, choose a second important word to emphasize. For me, it was “always.” Repeat the process.

Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes - Smitha Katti

Step 4:

Finally fill in the rest of the words to complete your quote. I like to mix and match fonts. I like to use some cursive, some bold, some lower case and some uppercase. I also use the brush tip for a few words and the marker tip for others. This creates more contrast.

Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes - Smitha Katti

Step 5:

That’s it! Our quick quote is ready and cute!

Quote Lettering in Under Five Minutes - Smitha Katti

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial today! Happy crafting!



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