echo park paper

Create A Paris Themed Art Journal Page with Tombow and Echo Park Paper! #tombow #artjournal
Hey everyone, it’s Mandy from @a_heartened_calling! Today, I’m showing you how to create a Paris themed art journal page using Echo Park Paper!  Echo Park Paper Company has high quality STUNNING stationary to take your art to the next level!  Echo Park Paper Company sent me their En Vogue Collection […]

Create A Paris Themed Art Journal Page

Create Three Layout Themes For Your Passion Planner with @tombowusa and @aheartenedcalling #tombow #plannerfor
Hi Tombow fans! It’s Mandy from @thebrewtifulword! I’m going to share three weekly spreads you can use in your Passion Planner! One of the funnest parts about planners for me is thinking about a theme to use for my weekly spread. For this project,I have three to share: Floral, Beautiful, […]

Three Weekly Spreads For Your Passion Planner