Create A Book Tracker 3

Hi, Jessica of @BrownPaperBunny here. This year I challenged myself to read more, a lot more. Setting goals and keeping track of the books I’ve read has really helped keep me motivated and organized. Last year, I read a total of 12 books. So far this year, I’ve read 48 and we’re only half-way through! Here’s how you can create a book tracker for yourself.


Tutorial using Tombow pens and markers by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow

Step 1: Draw Your Book Outlines

Add a title to the top of your notebook page. Using the smallest tip on your MONO Twin Permanent Marker, draw some book outlines underneath. Add some page lines as details. Make sure to leave three areas to write the title, author and your rating on each book. I like to draw at least one or two more blank books to push myself to read more. Tip: The MONO Twin Permanent Marker can be used under Tombow Dual Brush Pens or watercolor.

Create a Book Tracker by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow


Step 2: Populate Your Book Tracker

As you finish each book, add some color to the book cover and page details with your Dual Brush Pens. I’m using Dual Brush Pens from the Desert Flora Palette but you can use any colors you like. The next step is to use your MONO Drawing Pens to write in the title, author and either a rating or a few words about the book.

Create a Book Tracker by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow


Step 3: Read and Repeat!

Not only will your book tracker push you to read more, but months or years from now you’ll be able to flip back through and be reminded of the books you’ve read and what you thought of them! I’d love to see your book tracker and hear about your latest great read. Tag @TombowUSA and @BrownPaperBunny on social media!

Create a Book Tracker by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow

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