Tombow USA

need an inexpensive but creative teacher gift? here are our suggestions 1. mugs filled with candy or hot chocolate and candy canes 2. stocking holders like the one’s found at (thank you char for letting us share!) 3. christmas countdown blocks (Like April’s!) 4. embellished letter – 9″ letters […]

top ten teacher gifts

in my short lifetime I have held over 18 jobs…not counting daughter, sister, wife and mother. i have been working since i was 11 years old, when my first job was a “page” in the public library. since then i have been a babysitter/nanny, telephone operator, sandwich maker, a retailer […]

it’s off to work we go…

how about something cute and portable to keep your holiday shopping organized… this project has stumped me more than any other project…and I can name several others that got me! my assignment was “shop til you drop”. so my first thought was…layout? but how many of us take cameras with […]

hello black friday!

do you ever have one idea that turns into another, and then another, until you are left with something that only slightly resembles what you intended to create? that is exactly what happened with my project with my bella blvd loot. i got a box full of “hello beautiful” product […]

Bella Blvd Calendar

 Michael Amos is a Visual Development Artist and Character Designer from Melbourne, Australia who has been working in the animation industry for over 14 years. Throughout the years Michael has worked with clients like Disney and Pixar films, Touchstone Pictures and Coca-Cola.  Michael uses Tombow MONO Drawing Pencils in his […]

Artist Corner- Artist Profile: Michael Amos – Tombow Pencils in ...