Parties & Entertaining

This month’s DT challenge was to show how we celebrate Memorial Day. To be honest, we don’t really do very much. I do reflect and give thanks for those who gave their lives serving our country and for those still serving. One thing we do now is take the wreaths that […]

Memorial Day Celebration By Debbie Fisher

mardi gras is not typically observed or celebrated in my house… however, the opportunity to have a party with friends and good food should never be turned down. check out the invitation i made for FAT TUESDAY! i’ll try to walk you through how i put it together… 1. grab […]

party at my house!

need an inexpensive but creative teacher gift? here are our suggestions 1. mugs filled with candy or hot chocolate and candy canes 2. stocking holders like the one’s found at (thank you char for letting us share!) 3. christmas countdown blocks (Like April’s!) 4. embellished letter – 9″ letters […]

top ten teacher gifts

how about something cute and portable to keep your holiday shopping organized… this project has stumped me more than any other project…and I can name several others that got me! my assignment was “shop til you drop”. so my first thought was…layout? but how many of us take cameras with […]

hello black friday!