Happy Tuesday! Beth here on the blog today to share a cute, quick and easy 3D Paper Star project created with Felicity Jane September Kit and Tombow’s amazing adhesives! The patterns and colors of the Felicity Jane September Kit coordinate perfectly with my niece’s bedroom, so we can hang it in the corner instead of traditional wall art.

Here is what you will need:

Felicity Jane September Kit – 6 pieces of square paper (I used 12″ squares)
Felicity Jane September Kit – Embellishments
Tombow Extreme Permanent Adhesive
Tombow Extreme Adhesive Tabs
Ruler, Pencil and Scissors.
Step One:
Fold squares into triangles, corner to corner. Measure in 2″, 4″ and 6″ on folded side from each edge. Connect lines with a ruler as indicated below.

Step Two:
Cut 3 triangles…almost…stop before you cut out the complete triangle. Open triangles back to squares. Stars, triangles and squares, oh my!
Step Three:
Pull points together and secure in alternate directions with
Tombow Xtreme Permanent Adhesive, remembering to roll to apply and swipe tip to the side for clean application.
1/6th of the way done…
Step Four:
Step Five:
Step Six:
Decorate your stars with the embellishments from the
Felicity Jane September Kit. I used word stickers, letter stickers, flair buttons and vellum icons.
Can I tell you how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this 3D Paper Star? The ideas are just filling my imagination – colors, themes, holidays – possibilities are endless!
Please make sure you also check out the
Felicity Jane Blog for more inspiration AND come back on Monday, October 3rd you might get a chance to win them!
Thanks for stopping by! -Beth