DIY Decor

Fun and Easy Upcycled  Cereal Box Book Wrap     Easy Upcycled Cereal Box Book Wrap by drhayes on Polyvore I am one of those people who has a book for everything.  And I carry them with me wherever I go.  But sometimes the things I’ve tucked into the books […]

Easy Upcycled Cereal Box Book Wrap

Happy Friday! This is Jennie and today I have two Bokeh Background Tutorials using the Tombow Dual Brush Pens. Here is everything you need! **Remember to use Watercolor paper. This technique requires lots of water and ordinary paper won’t hold well. Use washi tape to tape a piece of watercolor paper […]

Bokeh Background Tutorial by Jennie Garcia

When Tombow sent me the first box of products they threw down the gauntlet and asked us to get creative with the materials that we use and attach crazy and heavy items to push their adhesives to the limit.  Challenge ACCEPTED!  Puzzle pieces are thick and oddly shaped, which makes […]

Upcycled Puzzle Wreath Tutorial

  FAST FABULOUS TAGS by drhayes on Polyvore These Fast Fabulous Tags are the perfect finishing touch for any gift.  They are almost a gift all by their self!  These tags are super easy to make using Tombow products! Mono Mulit Liquid glue has 2 tips.  We will use the […]


To make the photo holder you will need: 6″ x 6″ x 1 3/4″  wooden canvas, Beautiful cardstock that matches your decor, Letter blocks (you could also use children’s wooden blocks for a different look!) Mono Aqua Liquid Glue, Xtreme Tabs and Foam Tape. For the letter block photo holders, […]

Vintage Heart Photo Holder

For this post I am having fun playing with backgrounds using the Dual Brush Pens. I have done the sample on a 9″ x 12″ Marker Crescent Board, but it can easily be done in your art  journal or on a card blank. I choose my Dual Brush Pen colors; […]

Vino Mixed Media Page by Marie Browning