Hello! This is Jennie and we are close to that day where we feast on chocolate and if we really love someone we might share those sweets with them. In this post I’m going to show you how you can customize a small canvas bag using the Tombow Dual Brush Pens. Not only you can use these on Valentine’s Day to put candy, lip gloss or any little treats but these are also great to hold little bridesmaids gifts, birthday presents or gift cards.
The first step is to stamp the hearts (or any other image) on the canvas bag using an archival ink that will resist water. I wanted an ombre effect on the hearts with purple as my main color. So I started coloring the hearts with the Tombow Dual Brush Pens using pink, then moved to purple and ended on blue. If I wanted orange as my main color I would’ve started with yellow moved to orange and ended in red. For green I would’ve started with yellow, moved to green and ended in blue. You can also go the opposite direction or just pick one color and move from light to dark.
They won’t look perfect because these are not fabric markers and canvas is a surface where it’s hard to get coverage unless you are using paint. Make sure you get close to the borders.
Now the fun part is to use an acrylic paint brush to move the color from the Tombow Dual Brush Pens. The reason I used a brush for acrylic paint versus a watercolor brush is because the canvas surface is pretty stubborn and you need a hard brush to get through it. This is VERY important: Dip the brush in the water and take the excess off. The brush should be damp but not drip at all! The color will spread out of the image and the canvas will absorb it.
Now, the colors look more even.
While your hearts dry you can color the trim using the same method of coloring with Tombow Dual Brush Pens and spreading the color with an acrylic brush and water. Watch the action in this super short video HERE!
When your hearts are dry, draw the outline of the image using the Tombow Mono Twin Permanent Marker. The trim I used is self adhesive but when I applied water it weakened the glue so I used the Tombow Xtreme Permanent Adhesive on the canvas to glue the trim.
I hope you enjoyed this easy and affordable idea, which can also be an alternative to gift wrap if you want to be green!
Come back tomorrow to see a gorgeous Valentine’s Day project from the super talented Beth Watson!
Super cute!
This is adorable. Is it washable, or will the color wash out?
LOVE this bag and the colors Jennie!!
wow… So nice looking very pretty.
This is terrific! Now, how do you seal it so the colors stay?!
Thanks for the nice comments everyone! The Tombow Dual Brush Pens are water based so if you wash the bag the color will come out. However I got the idea of sealing it with the Tombow Mono Aqua Liquid Glue so I will try that and get back to you with the results.
thanks for the tips.
I’ve bought some canvas pieces but wasn’t really sure how to
color them. they’ve been sitting on a shelf waiting for
me. Now their wait is over.
Love the tote.