
Hello, friends! I’m Andrea Lake, a passionate crafter who loves setting goals and planning to achieve them. Inspired by patterned papers, rainbows, flowers, and butterflies, I prefer my goal-setting tools to be simple yet colorful. Mood boards are an amazing way to visually map out your goals and stay motivated […]

How to create a Colorful Mood Board

Check out these tips to get organized using Tombow Dual Tip Markers and planners! Create a fun routine to make your planning effective! #tombow #planning
Hey Tombow Friends! This is Jennie with a few tips to get organized! The new school year is almost here, and I want to help you create a planning routine that works for you. Supplies: Tombow TwinTones Dual Tip Markers (Any writing instrument will work, but these are my favorite.) […]

Get Organized and Create a Planning Routine!

Hi, friends, I’m Amy from Amy Latta Creations, and one of my favorite types of journal pages to create is a monthly mood tracker. I love to doodle, and mood trackers let me combine my drawings with a way to reflect on how I’m feeling each day. What is a […]

Flower Bouquet Mood Tracker

Holiday Planner Doodles by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow 7
Hi, Jessica from BrownPaperBunny here to show you how to create some cute holiday planner doodles. I’ve been admiring the illustrations Wanda Lopez has been creating lately, so she was my inspiration for these. Here’s what you’ll need to get started. Supplies: Your planner or notebook Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen […]

Holiday Planner Doodles

The Tombow Creative Notetaking Kit and the Passion Planner are a match made in heaven! #tombow #passionplanner 4
Hey Tombow friends, this is Jennie with a list of my favorite Passion Planner free printables! They are perfect to use with the Tombow Creative Notetaking Kit! Tombow also has free worksheets to practice lettering and coloring. Supplies: Tombow Creative Notetaking Kit Passion Planner Tombow Adhesives Printables #1 Year In […]

Five Passion Planner Printables to Use With the Creative Notetaking ...

Planner Ideas for School by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow 9
Hi, Jessica from BrownPaperBunny here to show you a couple of planner ideas for school, using your Passion Planner and the Tombow Creative Notetaking Kit. Here’s what you’ll need to get started. Supplies: Passion Planner of your choice* Tombow Creative Notetaking Kit Stickers Washi tape Scrap paper Tombow MONO Glue […]

Planner Ideas for School Using Your Passion Planner

Find out 3 fun ways to use different Tombow Pencils. #tombow #planner 1
Hi Tombow friends, this is Jennie and I’m sharing three ways to use Tombow Pencils. Tombow has a few different pencils: the Tombow MONO Drawing Pencil, the Tombow MONO J Drawing Pencil, and Tombow MONO Graph Mechanical Pencils.   #1: Lettering: Supplies: Tombow MONO Drawing Pencils Notebook or paper Lettering […]

Three Fun Ways to Use Pencils

How to Make a Washi Tape Gallery - Ali LePere
Hey friends, it’s Ali LePere here! What is your guilty pleasure? Mine is definitely washi tape. I have more rolls of washi tape than any one human could need! So in order to justify my obsession, I try to figure out different ways to use washi tape! I use it in my […]

How to Make a Washi Tape Gallery

Start making a wishlist! Here are 10 products you need in your Tombow Marker Storage Case. #tombow #planner
Hey Tombow friends! This is Jennie!  Last week, Tombow released an awesome product in their VIP Club box: the Tombow Marker Storage Case! This is perfect for organizing and bringing your products everywhere! It’s also great for people that don’t have a designated area to keep their Tombow products. The […]

10 Products You Need In Your Marker Storage Case

How can you use @TombowUSA markers in your art work? Learn how in this review by @LePereLetters! #brushmarkers #tombow 19
Hello everyone, I’m Ali LePere! Today, I’m going to be reviewing Tombow Dual Brush Pens! They are my favorite! I believe that artists, no matter their skill level, will flourish if they have products that give them possibilities. I know that has been my experience with these markers. The Dual […]

Everything You Need to Know About Dual Brush Pens

Make a Watercolor Planner Bookmark by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow
Hello, Jessica from BrownPaperBunny here to show you how to make a watercolor bookmark for your Passion Planner. Passion Planners are built around a system to help you achieve your goals, especially focusing on the ones that will make the biggest difference in your life. After mapping out my Passion […]

Make a Watercolor Planner Bookmark