Hi there, this is ABC (anything but a card) week on the Tombow Blog so I decided to share this tumbler that I made with you. When you get the tumbler, it comes with a template that you use to design your own insert. I traced the template onto the […]
Monthly Archives: September 2012

Today I have a tutorial on the Joy Fold Card. Is incredibly easy!! Don’t forget that October 6th is World Card Making Day!! The base will be a 4 1/2″ x 8 1/2 piece of cardstock scored at 5 1/2. Your card will still be an A2 card but, with […]
Hi Joyful Tutorial!! By Jennie Garcia
Sometimes inspiration can strike in the most unlikely of places. I was in Lowe’s Home Improvement store a couple of weeks ago and, as I walked through the paint aisle, I spied a stunning adorable, fab-colored spiral mini book! Well, it wanted to be a mini book. These paint chip […]
A Mini For Free? with Jennifer Priest
Mummys wobble but they don’t fall down. Ü I have a super cute and easy Halloween gift bag to share with you today for our Anything But a Card week. I covered a small white paper sack with fun Halloween thememd papers. To start, fold the top down 1″, then adhere a […]
Mummy’s Wobble by Debbie Fisher

This is a favorite little packaging idea that comes together quickly using Tombow’s adhesives. I used the Kraft Collection papers from Graphic 45 to form the pouch and MONO Multi Liquid glue to hold it all together for a super strong hold. Remember, you need only to use a very […]
Sewing Themed Pouch By Marie Browning
Happy Friday Y’all! What a crazy busy week this has been for me. I will be glad to see what next week has on the horizon for me. Today I am sharing with you three fun cards that I created using some of the new Darcie’s Tin Pins and […]
tin pin holiday fun….by melissa cash

This is what I LOVE my Smash Book. Everyday stories, simple but crazy things that wouldn’t make a layout. I just did some pages about a weird lemon I found and I gave a makeover. Yes, I do that sometimes… In my defense it looked like it had a nose and mouth. […]
When Life Gives You Lemons By Jennie Garcia
I love using Pinterest to find inspiration for projects, especially for interesting color combos! This coral and navy color combo had me quite intrigued on Pinterest the other day. I pulled out all kinds of bits and pieces from my stash that matched the color combo. Here is how it […]
Navy & Coral by Jennifer Priest

One of the projects for CHA that I created for a Make ‘n Take was this calendar wallhanging. It went fairly quickly, since I did alot of the prestamping ahead of time. The background is cut from cereal/cracker boxes and then covered with patterned paper. Decorative cardstock “Indigo Bleu” & […]
Calendar Wall Hanging by Debbie Fisher

Getting ready for CHA Creative Conference October 3rd and 4th in Mississauga, Canada! This is one of the Make & Takes I will be creating for the conference participants. The Mono Multi Liquid Adhesive is again the star in this vintage posy card! The flower petals are punched out of […]
Folded Flower Card by Marie Browning
Hellllllooooooo! This week on the Tombow blog we have been teaming up with the awesome folks at May Arts and sharing great cards and projects with you. I decided it was time to start thinking about my Christmas cards, and this year I wanted to create cards that are cute […]
merry woofmas!….by melissa cash

This week we are teaming up with May Arts and we got to enjoy their amazing ribbon!! I got a selection of gorgeous chevron ribbon!! I altered a clear mini album with paper scraps from three collections of Momenta. I made this book in a quirky style filled with inspirational quotes. […]