Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Hey Y’all! It’s Katie here today and I am thrilled to be on the Tombow Design Team again this year! As my first post for 2018, I wanted to feature one of my favorite things: Art Journaling. I love working into books and journals. Today I am showing you how […]

How to Make an Introduction Page in Your Journal

lettering on wood 4
Happy New Year everyone! Marie Browning here with a step-by-step tutorial about lettering on wood. I am thrilled to be with Tombow as their Signature Designer! As well as many other tasks, I have the great pleasure of working with Tombow products and developing new techniques that will bring success to […]

Lettering on Wood: What You Need to Know

Hello everyone, it’s Katie here! This week we created projects inspired by the New Year! Now, I personally am not at all a night owl, and I don’t ever celebrate the new year by staying up. So, rather than doing any party decor, my project focuses more on getting organized for 2018! […]

How to Make a DIY “Goals” Clipboard for the New ...

Tombow PopFizzPaper Dot Journal Spread One Little Word 2
Hi Tombow friends! It’s Dani from @popfizzpaper sharing a journal spread perfect for setting yourself up for success in the new year! Last year I chose one word to focus on throughout the year and I’m so glad I did (I chose “create”). It helped me focus on my goals and pushed me forward to […]

Word of the Year Dotted Journal Spread

We always have a big house party on December 31st with family, friends and tons of kids, so I thought that creating custom party hats for New Year’s Eve would be the perfect project to get everyone to show their personality, and maybe share a resolution or two!  They are […]

Create custom Party Hats for New Years Eve

Lauren Fitzmaurice of @renmadecalligraphy takes you step by step through A Confetti Popper tutorial with her favorite tools from Tombow USA.com. For more lettering tips and tricks, check out her website at renmadecalligraphy.com. 2
Make New Year’s Eve more fun by creating a DIY Balloon Confetti Popper. Grab a few basic supplies from around the house and your Tombow stash, and you’ll be ready to create these fun party favors for guests at your New Year’s party. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Tombow Dual Brush Pens […]

New Year’s Eve DIY Balloon Confetti Popper

Lauren Fitzmaurice of Renmade Calligraphy shares her top 3 gifts for letterers from Tombowusa.com.
Hey, lovelies… it’s Lauren of Renmade Calligraphy here to share my top 3 Tombow Gifts for Letterers. Tombow has many amazing products perfect for lettering artists, but I’m sharing three that I use all of the time and think would be great as a unique gift or a fun stocking stuffer!   1. TOMBOW MONO […]

Top 3 Tombow Gifts for Letterers

Good morning y’all!  Beth here on the blog today to share my Top 3 Tombow Gifts for Mixed Media Crafters!  I will warn you that this post comes with an enabler alert warning.  By the time you get to the end, you will HAVE to have all 3 of these […]

Top 3 Tombow Gifts for Mixed Media Crafters

TombowUSA Tombow Gratitude Thanksgiving Place Cards Conversation Starter 2
Hi friends! It’s Dani from @popfizzpaper here today with a tutorial for your Thanksgiving dinner table! These little envelopes are perfect for using as place cards, but why not also tuck some gratitude conversation prompts inside? Not only will they enhance the spirit of Thanksgiving, but they’ll also get your family talking around the table. Below […]

Gratitude Place Cards for Thanksgiving Table Settings

Good morning Tombow fans! Beth here today to share my favorite splash technique on these pumpkin place cards. This projects is perfect for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday! STEP ONE: Create splash background papers by scribbling a variety of Dual Brush Pens (757; 837; 885; 905; 993; 933; 925 and 946) […]

Splash Technique Pumpkin Placecard

Lauren Fitzmaurice of Renmade Calligraphy takes you step by step through a tutorial of how to create a botanical pumpkin centerpiece, perfect for decorating the table of a thanksgiving or fall themed get together. Lauren uses Tombow USA products to create this centerpiece with live pumpkins and gourds and fallen leaves and berries.
Bring the beauty of the outdoors inside this Thanksgiving by creating a DIY Botanical Pumpkin Centerpiece. This time of year can be so beautiful with all of the fallen, colorful leaves and leftover pumpkins from Halloween. The Thanksgiving table is the perfect place to combine all of those naturally beautiful […]

DIY Botanical Pumpkin Centerpiece