
Hello, friends! I’m Andrea Lake, a passionate crafter who loves setting goals and planning to achieve them. Inspired by patterned papers, rainbows, flowers, and butterflies, I prefer my goal-setting tools to be simple yet colorful. Mood boards are an amazing way to visually map out your goals and stay motivated […]

How to create a Colorful Mood Board

Memory journal in your planner with this simple guide! @tombowusa #journalingmonth #journalingforbeginners #tombow
Hey friends, Ali LePere here! I want to talk to you about memory journaling! The key to keeping a memory journal is to start simply. Adding a new diary or journal to your life in order to keep track of your memories can be daunting. Having to reach for a […]

How to Keep a Memory Journal in Your Planner

Passion Planner Tips Smitha Katti
Hello friends, it’s Smitha!  Today, I am sharing how I’m using my Passion Planner this year. I’m going to share a few tricks I have to fill up my planner page spread each week that you might find useful. Material list: MONO Graph Mechanical Pencil MONO Dust Catcher Eraser Fudenosuke Brush […]

Passion Planner Weekly Spread Ideas

Rainbow Lettering with Dual Brush Pens in Passion Planner Hi friends, it’s Natalie from Doodlecraft! Today, I’m sharing a quick rainbow lettering tutorial using Dual Brush Pens. I’m using the dotted pages in the back of my Passion Planner. Rainbow Lettering is bright and beautiful using Tombow Dual Brush Pens. […]

Rainbow Lettering with Passion Planner

Create Three Layout Themes For Your Passion Planner with @tombowusa and @aheartenedcalling #tombow #plannerfor
Hi Tombow fans! It’s Mandy from @thebrewtifulword! I’m going to share three weekly spreads you can use in your Passion Planner! One of the funnest parts about planners for me is thinking about a theme to use for my weekly spread. For this project,I have three to share: Floral, Beautiful, […]

Three Weekly Spreads For Your Passion Planner

Hey everyone, it’s Katie from Studio Katie here! Are you ready for the spring equinox and the start of (hopefully) warmer weather? Today, I’m going to show you how to create a Spring Bucket List Journal Spread in your dot grid journal! Supplies: Dot Grid Journal (I’m using an Archer […]

DIY Spring Bucket List Journal Spread

Get more organized with color! 2
Hi there! It’s Bonnie from Archer and Olive. I am constantly on the look out for a good planner, and I absolutely adore the Passion Planner. It’s really great that for every planner you purchase, one is donated to someone in need. Today I’ll be showing you how to use […]

Use Color (and Your Passion Planner) to Get More Organized!

Lauren Fitzmaurice of Renmade Calligraphy shows three fun ways to incorporate a color palette into your planning using Tombow Brush Pens and a Passion Planner.
Hi everyone! It’s Lauren Fitzmaurice and I’m back on the blog to share 3 ways to plan using a color palette with Tombow USA and Passion Planner. It is important to stay organized and adding color is one way to make planning easier and more fun. Thanks to our friends […]

3 Ways to Plan with a Color Palette

Lauren Fitzmaurice of Renmade Calligraphy shows you 3 ways to plan with the heart using Tombow and Bloom Planner products. 1
Life can be super busy, so it’s important to make sure that you take time to plan what you love. I love planners, but am not always successful in filling mine out. I think this is because I often get caught up in my mile-long to-do lists instead of focusing […]

Plan What You Love with Tombow and Bloom Daily Planners

Hi friends! Dani from @popfizzpaper here today sharing 3 quick and easy task journal spreads for your busiest of weeks. Planning definitely helps you keep track of your life, but it doesn’t have to take a long time to set up beautiful pages, especially when you’re using a gorgeous Archer and Olive […]

3 Quick and Easy Journal Spreads for Busy Weeks

Hi planner friends! Dani from @popfizzpaper here today with a dotted journal spread inspired by my fellow Design Team Member, Bonnie from @archerandolive. Bonnie creates gorgeous botanical spreads in her task journal, with modern typography and boxed sections. I wanted to create my own version using the plants I draw best – cacti and […]

How to Create a Botanical Drawing Journal Spread

3 Ways to Use your Webster's Pages Notebook for Planning
Hi guys! It’s Bonnie from Archer and Olive. As you probably know, I am obsessed with all things notebooks. There’s something about writing down your goals that really helps you achieve them. I’m going to show you 3 ways you can use your Webster’s Pages notebooks (and your favorite Tombow products) […]

3 Ways to Plan With Your Webster’s Pages Notebook