Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Use Tombow's Advanced Lettering Set Like A Pro! Create with @aheartenedcalling #tombow #lettering
Are you an advanced hand letterer looking to amp up your style? It’s Mandy from @a_heartened_calling! Today, I’m showing you two ways to use the Advanced Lettering Set like a pro!  The Advanced Lettering Set has everything you need to create stunning artwork! Let’s gather our materials and get started! […]

Two Ways To Use The Advanced Lettering Set Like A ...

Hello Tombow friends, it’s Jennie! Whenever someone asks me what product they should get as a gift for someone who wants to start lettering, I suggest the Tombow Advanced Lettering Set. It has items that are perfect for beginner and advanced letterers. I’m going to share with you five things […]

5 Ways to Use The Tombow Advanced Lettering Set

Bookmarks Using Tombow's Advanced Lettering Set by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow
Hi, Jessica from @BrownPaperBunny here to show you how to make watercolor bookmarks using Tombow’s Advanced Lettering Set. These make really cute gifts, especially when tucked inside a new book! Here’s what you’ll need to get started. Supplies: Tombow Advanced Lettering Set Watercolor paper Tombow Water Brush (Medium) Scissors Hole […]

Bookmarks Using Tombow’s Advanced Lettering Set

Create a Teal Pumpkin sign using @tombowusa Dual Brush Pens, and let trick-or-treaters know you have non-food treats available! By @graceannestudio.
Hi Tombow friends! Grace from Grace Anne Studio here. Have you heard of the Teal Pumpkin Project? If you know a child with food allergies, chances are you have! If you haven’t, it’s an organization that raises awareness of food allergies by adding non-food treats to your treats on Halloween. […]

DIY Halloween Allergy-Friendly Trick-or-Treat Sign

3 Artist Tricks Using Tombow MONO Aqua Liquid Glue with @tombowusa @popfizzpaper #pfplovestombow
Hi friends! Do you like making artist trading cards? Dani from @popfizzpaper here sharing three ways you can use the Tombow MONO Aqua Liquid Glue in your art projects. Let’s get started! SUPPLIES: Tombow MONO Aqua Liquid Glue Mixed media paper Collage bits (old pages, washi tape, die cuts, stickers, […]

3 Artist Tricks Using Tombow MONO Aqua Liquid Glue

Learn how to create a Halloween Rainbow Pumpkin Pattern Page with Adrienne from @studio80design!
Hello friends, Adrienne from @studio80design here today to share a fun tutorial on how to create a rainbow pumpkin pattern in your dot grid notebook! Halloween is this week and to celebrate I wanted to create a fun rainbow pumpkin pattern in my notebook! I love creating rainbow pattern pages, […]

Rainbow Pumpkin Pattern Illustration Tutorial

Create Floating Pumpkins with @aheartenedcalling and Tombow's Foam Tape! #tombow
It’s pumpkin season! Hey everyone! It’s Mandy from @a_heartened_calling here to show you how to create floating pumpkins using Tombow’s magical Foam Tape! You can add floating pumpkins to your lettering simply by using the Foam Tape on the back of cut out shapes! Let’s gather our materials and get […]

Create Floating Pumpkins With Foam Tape

Make handmade embellishments using scraps, dies, punches and Tombow Adhesives. #tombow #handmadeembellishments 2
Hey Tombow friends! This is Jennie! Today, I’ll teach your how to make handmade embellishments using scraps, dies, punches and Tombow Adhesives. You can use them on cards, scrapbook layouts and other paper crafts. Supplies: Tombow Xtreme Adhesive Pattern paper scraps Tombow Adhesive Dots Dies and punches Step One: Gather […]

Handmade Embellishments with Tombow Adhesives

DIY Halloween Decorations by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow 3
Hi, Jessica from BrownPaperBunny here to show you an easy way to make DIY Halloween decorations for your windows! These spooky bat silhouettes are easy to make but have a big impact once it’s dark. Here’s what you’ll need to get started. Supplies: Tombow MONO Adhesive Removable Black paper Scissors […]

DIY Halloween Decorations

Hello friends, Adrienne from @studio80design here today to show you a fun tutorial on how to create a Dia de los Muertos October monthly calendar spread using the new Tombow Fudenosuke Neon Brush Pens! These Fudenosuke Brush Pens are so fun to work with. Plus, the neon colors really brighten […]

Dia de los Muertos October Calendar With Fudenosuke Neon Brush ...