Tombow Dual Brush Pens

  Good Monday Morning and WELCOME to the Tombow USA May Flowers Challenge! This month of May we are handing down a new challenge with a new theme – MAY FLOWERS!  We want to see all of your flower projects of any color, any shape, any size and any medium. […]

May Flowers Challenge – Watercoloring with Tombow Dual Brush Pens

We’ve wrapped up another awesome challenge here at Tombow, and we’re so impressed by the creativity of everyone who entered! If you haven’t checked out the entries yet, make sure to visit the challenge post and take a look! A big thank you goes out to everyone who linked up […]

April Showers Challenge WINNER!

This week the Design Team on Tombow USA Blog has a challenge for you! Get out your umbrella! It’s time for APRIL SHOWERS! For this challenge, be inspired by this Mood Board, created by Design Team Member Daniella Hayes! Make anything you want using this Mood Board as inspiration and April […]

April Showers Challenge – Baby Shower Centerpiece

   Lettering is definitely something that I LOVE, but don’t spend enough time DOING, so I was super excited when we were given this assignment. One of my favorite songs is “You are my Sunshine”, so taking that as my inspiration, I created this art piece featuring the words to […]

Lettering Week with Beth Watson – You are my Sunshine!

Happy Friday Everyone! Since February is the shortest month, this week we are sharing mini projects! For my project I made some Easy Mini Mixed Media Houses using scraps from photo paper, Tombow Dual Brush Pens and the Tombow Mono Twin Permanent. Mixed Media Houses by jenniegarcian featuring home decor I […]

Mixed Media Houses by Jennie Garcia

Happy Friday! This is Jennie and today I have two Bokeh Background Tutorials using the Tombow Dual Brush Pens. Here is everything you need! **Remember to use Watercolor paper. This technique requires lots of water and ordinary paper won’t hold well. Use washi tape to tape a piece of watercolor paper […]

Bokeh Background Tutorial by Jennie Garcia

  FAST FABULOUS TAGS by drhayes on Polyvore These Fast Fabulous Tags are the perfect finishing touch for any gift.  They are almost a gift all by their self!  These tags are super easy to make using Tombow products! Mono Mulit Liquid glue has 2 tips.  We will use the […]


When I work, I always make more than one thing.  If I already have paints, inks, stamps,etc. out, I might as well use them up.  Sometimes I make multiple cards, or a card and tag, or a tag and a canvas background.  I just hate to waste.  For example, I […]

Stay Brave by Daniella Hayes

Hi!  I have a mixed media card to share with you today. I used several of Tombow’s AWESOME products to make this.  I will post links to them as I show you how I used them. First, I gathered my supplies.  In addition to the Tombow products, I used black paper from Graphic […]