
Hi planner friends! Dani from @popfizzpaper here today with a tutorial for creating travelers notebook shaker charms! These are fun to make and easy to personalize so it matches your TN. I even have a full process tutorial video below this post if you want to see the steps in action. Let’s get […]

DIY Travelers Notebook Shaker Charms

Dot grid journaling - the new way to plan 2
Hi Everyone! It’s Bonnie from Archer and Olive. Agendas, planners, calendars, and schedules have been around for ages. I remember the excitement of getting a planner for each new school year. As I got older, I looked for a planner that would be more accommodating of my needs. Sometimes you’d […]

Dot Grid Journaling – The New Way to Plan

How to create pretty planner patterns with Tombow 2
Hi! Jessica from BrownPaperBunny here. Can you believe we’re half way through January already?! It is definitely time to get organized, so pull out your 2018 planner and I’ll show you how to create pretty patterns to liven up the pages and make it easier to distinguish one week from […]

How to Draw Pretty Planner Patterns

Hello planners! This is fellow planner girl Jennie. Today I’m sharing my 10 favorite products for planner fanatics! 1. Planner: There are a few things you need to consider when choosing a planner: Size: it depends on your needs and preferences. If you just have a few appointments maybe a mini […]

Top 10 Products for Planner Fanatics

Tombow PopFizzPaper Dot Journal Spread One Little Word 2
Hi Tombow friends! It’s Dani from @popfizzpaper sharing a journal spread perfect for setting yourself up for success in the new year! Last year I chose one word to focus on throughout the year and I’m so glad I did (I chose “create”). It helped me focus on my goals and pushed me forward to […]

Word of the Year Dotted Journal Spread

Holiday Gift Guide Planners Journalers Tombow PopFizzPaper 1
Hi Tombow friends, it’s Dani from @popfizzpaper with a holiday gift guide for my fellow planners and journalers! Here are my top 3 favorite Tombow products for using in planners and journals of all sizes and styles. I love them all for different reasons – let me share why! 1. Tombow TwinTone Dual Tip Markers The […]

Holiday Gift Guide for Planners and Journalers

Sweet Stamp Shop Tombow Plan With Me PopFizzPaper #pwm #sweetstampshop #plannerstamps #tombowusa 2
Hi Tombow friends, it’s Dani from @popfizzpaper with a cute and spooky plan with me featuring Sweet Stamp Shop! I enjoy using stamps in my planner so I thought it’d be fun to share with you some of my tips and tricks. I created a video of this plan with me below so you can see the stamping in action. […]

Sweet Stamp Shop Monthly Plan With Me

Lauren Fitzmaurice of @renmadecalligraphy and shares how to use Tombow USA products paired with products from Sweet Stamp Shop to create easy planner stickers. For more information about the products used check out and 3
  Sweet Stamp Shop and Tombow USA make it super easy to create your very own DIY Planner Stickers! Hey there, lovelies! It’s Lauren of Renmade Calligraphy back to share another fun project with you. Whether you are planning an event on your calendar or adding a cute quote to […]

Easy DIY Planner Stickers with Tombow & Sweet Stamp Shop

Tombow Cricut Explore Air 2 DIY Planner Supplies PopFizzPaper 2
Hi Tombow friends, it’s Dani from @popfizzpaper with some DIY planner supplies featuring the Cricut Explore Air 2. Making cute things for my planner is one of my favorite ways to get crafty. Today I’m showing you five ways you can use the Explore Air 2 to do just that! In the supply […]

DIY Planner Supplies 5 Ways with Cricut Explore Air 2

Tombow Waffle Flower Layering foiled marble planner cover 1
Hi Tombow friends, it’s Dani from @popfizzpaper with a tutorial on how to make a foiled marble planner cover! The awesome folks over at Waffle Flower let us choose some of their new products to try out and I went with the Layering Marble Stamp Set. Marble is super trendy right now, so […]

DIY Foiled Marble Planner Cover with Tombow and Waffle Flower