Monthly Archives: October 2010

Michael Amos is a Visual Development Artist and Character Designer from Melbourne, Australia who has been working in the animation industry for over 14 years. Throughout the years Michael has worked with clients like Disney and Pixar films, Touchstone Pictures and Coca-Cola. Michael uses Tombow MONO Drawing Pencils in his […]
Artist Corner- Artist Profile: Michael Amos – Tombow Pencils in ...
This tag box is one that I designed myself. Ü It is super easy to make and perfect for that special little something to give someone for holidays or any reason. Would you like a project sheet for this tutorial? Faith created these awesome sheets for each of us! […]
Easy Tag Box

Times are changing and it’s no longer about tape. It’s about adhesive. The MONO Adhesive Tape Runner is perfect for putting together documents for a presentation, because it’s one of the easiest ways to stick things together! The Adhesive Tape Runner bonds instantly, cleanly and without a wrinkle. Simply slide […]
An adhesive for a fast paced world.
if you need a quick treat bag for your kids to hand out to teacher or friends give this idea a try. a friend found a variation of this last year and it was too easy to pass up. i gave my daughter a white piece of cardstock 5 3/4 […]
Tombow Tots- Less Trick and More Treat Bags
first of all…i must say I LOVE BO BUNNY! and i am loving the team up with them for this week. for years they have been putting out “must have” products, and this school line, “learning curve” is no exception. i immediately printed out pictures from the first day of […]
bo-bunny goes to school
This week Tombow is partnering with Bo Bunny. Oh my!!! We received an AWESOME package from Bo Bunny. I LOVE it! Part of it was fall and a HUGE part was Christmas. You will be seeing lots of projects with the wonderful papers and accessories we received. This project is […]
Just a Note… from Bo Bunny and Tombow!

Cynthia Niklas has been an artist and journalist for almost 30 years and blogs about her experiences and the beautiful art that she creates in her journals. Adding beauty to all things around her through her art, Cynthia reviews and critiques the art materials that she uses. A sketchbook is […]
Artist Corner- Artist Profile: Cynthia -Tombow Ultra Roll Pen has ...

The MONO Original Correction Tape has been a vital aid in correcting many of life’s misprints throughout the years. In fact, the product just celebrated its 15th birthday! We all love having our own “Mr. Fix It” at our desk so that mistakes, misspellings and typos can be corrected almost […]
Year after year, mistake after mistake, Tombow is here.
After a recent project, I was left with lots of plastic cylinder containers. They have been sitting in a box in my studio taking up room but I was very hesitant to add them to the land fill…when I saw the beautiful papers from Bo-Bunny I had an epiphany; decorate […]
Bo-Bunny and Tombow turn trash to treasure!
I have family and friends who have not only faced breast cancer, but other cancers. 5 years ago, I had a brain tumor (benign and I’m doing fine, had a scare a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t a tumor again, just after affects still from the surgery) and something […]
A Journal of Hope

Long days and caffeine overloads can often lead to crooked storyboards and sticky tape residue left as evidence of your mistake. Every graphic designer or illustrator knows there is no room in the budget for error when working with an illustration board. Give yourself some breathing room the next time […]