Hand lettering

Magical Birthday Card with @tombowusa and @popfizzpaper
Hi crafty friends! Dani from PopFizzPaper here today sharing how to diy an easy birthday card! I’m using my Scary Harry Halloween collection today because I think the candles work perfectly for a magical birthday card! I’ve included a process video at the end of this post if you want to […]

DIY Magical Birthday Card

Lauren Fitzmaurice of Renmade Calligraphy shows you 5 fun and easy ways to practice lettering while listening to an inspiring audio book. The best lettering supplies are available at tombowusa.com. For a complete list of Lauren's favorite lettering supplies, checkout renmadecalligraphy.com. 1
Audio books can make it super simple to practice lettering, have a good doodle, and get inspired with words and ideas at the same time. It’s Lauren of Renmade Calligraphy and over the past year, I have really gotten in to listening to audio books while traveling, practicing lettering, and […]

Audio Books and Lettering: 5 Ways to Letter and Doodle ...

DIY Book Shelf Spread_ Adrienne_7 10
Hi there, Adrienne from @studio80design here today! September 6th is “Read a Book Day” so to celebrate I want to show you a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a book shelf spread in your bullet journal! This spread is fun to make if you love reading books and want […]

DIY Book Shelf Bullet Journal Spread

Lauren Fitzmaurice of Renmade Calligraphy shows a fun and easy technique using the awesome new XL Blending Palette from Tombow USA. For more information about the products used in this tutorial check out tombowusa.com.
Creating colorful watercolor creations just got so much easier with the new Tombow XL Blending Palette! Load all the color onto this amazingly large palette that is perfect for so many fun craft and lettering projects! WHAT YOU’LL NEED A set of white cards and coordinating envelopes Your choice of Tombow […]

DIY Lettered Watercolor Cards with the XL Blending Palette

Upper Case Faux Calligraphy and Watercolor by Renee Day for @tombowusa 1
Have you ever tried mixing upper case faux calligraphy and watercolor together?  Renee here with @thediyday and I’m going to share a technique I like to use to make my letters really pop! Supplies Watercolor Paper Tombow MONO J Drawing Pencil 6-pack NEW Tombow XL Blending Palette Tombow Dual Brush […]

How to Create Watercolor Uppercase Faux Calligraphy

Watercolor word art by Jessica Mack on behalf of Tombow
Hello, Jessica from BrownPaperBunny here. When I think of the color indigo I think of stargazing on warm summer nights. I just love the inky color of sky after the sun has completely disappeared. Today I’m going to show you how to make this easy watercolor word art so you […]

Easy Watercolor Word Art

Good morning y’all, Beth from @CreativelyBeth here to share some tips on how to start a lettering journal. The lovely Bonnie from @ArcherAndOlive sent the Tombow Design Team members a few of her gorgeous dot grid notebooks and botanical stickers to use this week. I was inspired to begin lettering with […]

How to Start a Lettering Journal

Rustic Wedding Party Favors for www.tombowusa.com by @thediyday 1
Hi friends, it’s Renee with @thediyday and today I am sharing the cutest rustic party favor idea. Summer is just around the corner and do you know what comes with that season? Weddings! Celebrating love and families coming together is always fun. But I also appreciate the colors and themes the […]

Rustic Wedding Party Favors

Hi everyone! This is Jennie – have you noticed this Spring has been very summery? Since Mother Nature is about to skip Spring, this week we are going to share some Summer trends before we melt. Speaking of melting, today I’m going to show you how to create ice cream lettering. […]

Cool and Easy Ice Cream Lettering

Create five fun Backgrounds with the New Tombow MONO Edge Hightlighters with Beth Watson 1
Good morning y’all!  Beth from @creativelybeth here on the blog today to share how to create five fun backgrounds with the brand new Tombow MONO Edge Highlighters! The new MONO Edge Highlighters are dual-tip highlighters that feature fast-drying ink. They have a broad chisel tip (3.8mm) on one end and […]

Create Five Fun Backgrounds with MONO Edge Highlighters

Lauren Fitzmaurice kicks off 2018 helping you set goals with a creative step by step project. Using the best lettering tools and adhesives from Tombow USA, write down your goals and inspire yourself to take action toward your dreams. For more lettering goodness, tips and tricks, check out renmadecalligraphy.com or @renmadecalligraphy on instagram. 1
It’s a new year and a great time to write down our goals and hold ourselves accountable for the 365 days ahead, and I’m excited to share how to create a handlettered goal letter and quote envelope. Oh…and hey again, lovelies! It’s Lauren Fitzmaurice, back for another year of lettering […]

DIY Handlettered Goal Letter & Quote Envelope