Debbie Fisher

September 11, 2011 is Grandparent’s Day this year. It all sounded so official in 1979, with words and phrases like “whereof”‘ and “hereunto” and “joint resolution.” But when President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation  creating a National Grandparents Day, little did anyone know how it would grow. At the time, […]

“Enjoy Your Day” by Debbie Fisher

This week’s challenge is Surprise Me which basically means anything goes. Ü I have three cards to share with you that use Inky Antics’ images, Tombow’s Irojiten Colored Pencils and Mono Adhesive Permanent. First let me introduce you to Cooper (10596F): Next we have Casey (10647J):    And my last […]

“Surprise Me” by Debbie Fisher

  Here is one of my favorite projects that I made for a sweet friend of mine. I always intened to make me one, but haven’t yet and need to. Ü             This project uses 4″ x 4″ coasters and I covered them with patterned […]


I learned a fun way to make handmade flowers from Marie using Tombow’s Mono Multi Liquid Glue. They are so much fun and so addictive! I designed this project for a DTGD challenge on SCS and have created a little tutorial for you on how to make the flowers. I created […]

Altered Notepad with Handmade Paper Flower by Debbie Fisher

This was a great week, every body’s back from CHA with great ideas. It was a good show and I’m sure those of you that attended had so much fun and got some super new ideas. We hope you made it by our booth to see all our new products and had […]

Friday Design Review